SourceTree: A Graphical Interface for Git

Git is becoming more and more widely used by many in the workplace and at home.  While Git is very command-line driven, I think one of the things I miss about SVN are the GUIs available, especially when needing to see the differences between old and new files.  And while I’ve somehow gotten used to status, log, fetch, pull, push, commit, rebase, branch, checkout, cherry-pick, and whatever Git commands are out there, I still needed that extra feeling of security of seeing file changes, and git diff wasn’t enough.

That’s when I discovered SourceTree.  It’s a free graphical interface application for Git.  The topmost panel shows the history of your branch.  The bottom left shows the files that have been changed since your last commit.  The bottom right shows the differences between your working local file, highlighted on the left, and the committed version of the file.  And instead of typing out git commands in your terminal window, you can use the buttons and controls provided all around this app.  Personally, I have not abandoned the terminal and still do my git commands in there, but it’s always nice to be able to clearly see the diffs in a nice paneled layout before doing a commit or a push.

